Thursday, February 11, 2010

How do you cut a ';v'; in your ingrown toenail?

I heard all this talk about cutting a v in your toenail to fix an ingrown toenail. does it work? how do you do it, because I have a little of ingrown toenail. Thanks.How do you cut a ';v'; in your ingrown toenail?
your nails grow from the bottom in the nail bed, they don't grow at the top, meaning they won't grow together where the ';v'; is cut, this is an old wives' tale, My dad use to do it, never helped.

Soak an ingrown toenail in warm water, after soaking try to put some cotton between nail and skin where it is poking in. Also apply some neosporin and keep covered.How do you cut a ';v'; in your ingrown toenail?
It worked for my mum and I when we had ingrown toenails. Until they got to the point where they had to be surgically fixed.

Cutting a 'V' in the nail is simply that.

On the top part of the nail, when you go to cut your nails, cut a 'v' shape wedge into the centre of the nail. Leaving the area on each side short.

You need to do this every time you cut the nail and it takes some time to work.

Eventually the nail edges will grow towards the 'v' so pulling the problem ingrown corner of the nail out. And retraining it to grow in the correct way.
I had never heard of this and didn't know what you were talking about, but a simple search returned the following. ';Cutting a notch (a “V”) in a toenail will relieve the pain of ingrown toenails.'; .... it's a myth according to
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  • What is the best way to prevent an ingrown toenail?

    If you trim your toenails too short, particularly on the sides of your big toes, you may set the stage for an ingrown toenail. Like many people, when you trim your toenails, you may taper the corners so that the nail curves with the shape of your toe. But this technique may encourage your toenail to grow into the skin of your toe. The sides of the nail curl down and dig into your skin (see Figure 1). An ingrown toenail may also happen if you wear shoes that are too tight or too short.

    When you first have an ingrown toenail, it may be hard, swollen and tender. Later, it may get red and infected, and feel very sore. Ingrown toenails are a common, painful condition--particularly among teenagers. Any of your toenails can become ingrown, but the problem more often affects the big toe. An ingrown nail occurs when the skin on one or both sides of a nail grows over the edges of the nail, or when the nail itself grows into the skin. Redness, pain and swelling at the corner of the nail may result and infection may soon follow. Sometimes a small amount of pus can be seen draining from the area.

    Ingrown nails may develop for many reasons. Some cases are congenital--the nail is just too large for the toe. Trauma, such as stubbing the toe or having the toe stepped on, may also cause an ingrown nail. However, the most common cause is tight shoe wear or improper grooming and trimming of the nail. Figure 2 illustrates the anatomy of a toenail.

    Treatment Options

    Ingrown toenails should be treated as soon as they are recognized. If they are recognized early (before infection sets in), home care may prevent the need for further treatment:

    Soak the foot in warm water 3-4 times daily.

    Keep the foot dry during the rest of the day.

    Wear comfortable shoes with adequate room for the toes. Consider wearing sandals until the condition clears up.

    You may take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief.

    If there is no improvement in 2-3 days, or if the condition worsens, call your doctor.

    You may need to gently lift the edge of the ingrown toenail from its embedded position and insert some cotton or waxed dental floss between the nail and your skin. Change this packing every day.

    Treatment Options: Surgical

    If excessive inflammation, swelling, pain and discharge are present, the toenail is probably infected and should be treated by a physician (see Figure 3A). You may need to take oral antibiotics and the nail may need to be partially or completely removed (see Figure 3B). The doctor can surgically remove a portion of the nail, a portion of the underlying nail bed, some of the adjacent soft tissues and even a part of the growth center (see Figure 3C). Surgery is effective in eliminating the nail edge from growing inward and cutting into the fleshy folds as the toenail grows forward. Permanent removal of the nail may be advised for children with chronic, recurrent infected ingrown toenails.

    If you are in a lot of pain and/or the infection keeps coming back, your doctor may remove part of your ingrown toenail (partial nail avulsion). Your toe is injected with an anesthetic and your doctor uses scissors to cut away the ingrown part of the toenail, taking care not to disturb the nail bed. An exposed nail bed may be very painful. Removing your whole ingrown toenail (complete nail plate avulsion) increases the likelihood your toenail will come back deformed. It may take 3-4 months for your nail to regrow.

    Risk Factors/Prevention

    Unless the problem is congenital, the best way to prevent ingrown toenails is to protect the feet from trauma and to wear shoes and hosiery (socks) with adequate room for the toes. Nails should be cut straight across with a clean, sharp nail trimmer without tapering or rounding the corners (see Figure 4). Trim the nails no shorter than the edge of the toe. Keep the feet clean and dry at all times.What is the best way to prevent an ingrown toenail?
    Cut nails straight across rather than tapering at the sides. This instruction for cutting toenails has been around since I was a child 80 years ago.What is the best way to prevent an ingrown toenail?
    Cut the nail straight across and don't round the edges.
    Keep cuttin your toe nails.. but not to short
    Cut your toenail straight across, not below the skin line. Make sure you use toe clippers not hand clippers (different design)
    When you cut your toenails, cut them straight across.
    My son gets them all the time because he likes to pick at this nails.....Keep them trimmed and straight across. I soak his feet in warm water if I notice one is starting and after his foot is done soaking I pull the skin away from the toe nail.
    i get them all the time...i got them so bad on one toe the the scar tissue from them actually makes them worse...BUT to prevent them you have to cut your nails at an angle and make sure that no little sliver of nail is hanging off...or jsut let them grow far enough past that when you cut them they arent cut back to teh nail bed area

    keep your toenails trimmed
    dig it out with nail clippers

    Should I just leave this ingrown toenail?

    Ok I posted a question before this on home remedies, 2 answer which where cut a v... the nail is too short and i can't and too lift the nail above the skin-far too painful and i can't get anything in as it just pops right back into place.

    Can I just leave it, it is not infected just a little red, will it heal if I leave it be?? If not what can i do as it is very tender.Should I just leave this ingrown toenail?
    Keep it clean. Instead of trying to pull the nail out, squeeze the flesh around the nail so it doesn't cover the nail. Do that 2-3 times a day and hold it for 60-120 seconds each time. It might hurt but you'll feel relief when you let it go. That's what I do.Should I just leave this ingrown toenail?
    Can you take a very tiny piece of cotton off a q-tip or cotton ball and wedge it under the nail with the tip of something? I have done this to my son and it really helped. I used one of those wooden nail sticks to push it under and another time used the tip of a tiny scissors. Don't cut your toe nails if you tend to get ingrown nails. Just use a large heel file to file them flat across. I never, ever cut my nails to prevent this problem. Good luck.
    ok I get these all the time!

    My 1st one hurt really bad and I just went to the doctor and got it cut out.

    The ones i get now i just try to leave alone.Sometimes if it doesn't hurt REALLY BAD I soak it in alcohol and get the nail nice and soft.then I take a nail file and try to file it down

    but since yours is really tender and probably hurts a lot, you should go to the doctor and get it cut out.The most painful part about it is the shot they give you to numb it up.then they just wrap it gauze and give you somecream to put on it.It grows back within a week I think...

    When it does go away, instead of cutting your toenail,file it.

    You don't get ingrown toenails that way!


    hope this helped!
    Just keep it clean. And if you can't cut it, you should go to a foot doctor.

    Will the army not let me join with ingrown toenail?

    hey, does anybody know, that will the british army. still let me go to ITC catterick ? with a ingrown toenail? cause i know theres a medical facility there, but not 100% sure. but anyway, i start training next week. but just recently got a ingrown toenail, ive passed ADSC etc.. but i cant exactly do much about my nail in a week.Will the army not let me join with ingrown toenail?
    Start soaking the toe in warm water for about 20 minutes.About 2 or 3 times a day. Add a little bleach in the water. It wil acts as a a disinfectant' You should be fine by the time you are ready to go..Will the army not let me join with ingrown toenail?
    get it taken out, by a foot docter, i get mine out maybe a day, day after i call to scedule an appointment

    How do you fix an ingrown toenail?

    Its on my big toe on the nail bed on the outside.

    It hurts so bad.

    How do i fix it?

    i';ve heard that you cut a V in it or something like that but im not sure what to do.How do you fix an ingrown toenail?
    Cutting the V shape in the toenail is actually to help prevent ingrown toe nails. It sounds like yours is already past that. Try soaking your foot in some warm water with some epsom salts (drug store) and then gently trying to loosen the skin so that you can try and clear the infection. If it's too sore to touch you may need to see a doctor, they will numb the toe and help work out the infected skin that way. Sorry, I know those really hurt.

    Should you treat your own ingrown toenail?

    Or should a doctor do it?

    I'm 15 and I have an ingrown toenail and it hurts so bad it's practically throbbing every minute and I can't even walk well.

    And how much does it cost for a doctor to do it?Should you treat your own ingrown toenail?
    No no no no no! Do not try to treat it yourself! Trust me, I have had both my big toes ripped apart by ingrown toenails. I tried every home remedy you could think of (cutting the V into it, shoving cotton under it, soaking it in salts) and it just made them worse. My were so bad that...well the details are gruesome so I won't elaborate. I got to the point where I couldn't put a sock on, never mind walk on it. Your best bet is to go to a podiatrist. I did and my toes have been fine ever since.

    Edit- When I went to the podiatrist, they gave me about 3 shots in my toes. Once they were nice and numb, they cut out the ingrown parts. They actually cut the sides down past the cuticle and then poured acid on the cuticle to stop if from growing back. Your toe will look disgusting for about a month or two, but in time, they will look like normal toe nails again. I assure you, going to the doctor will be worth it.Should you treat your own ingrown toenail?
    I work for a podiatrist (foot doctor) and generally people make it worse when they do it themselves. If you have insurance, they only charge a copay usually. I live in the southeast and the average price for someone that does not have insurance can range from $150 to $200 depending on if they do a partial or full removal of the nail.
    ive had my toe nail removed by my doctor a total of 3 times now, this is now the fourth time it has come back, im not sure if im just unlucky or if there doing sometihng wrong but i would still suggest you try the doctors meathod first, trust me ive gone my own way of trying to pull it out or cut it away and it just isnt worth it + theres a great risk of infection if it isnt allredy infected go to your doctor, have it removed properly and have them kill the nail bed...

    EDIT - I live in Canada where health care is free so for me the cost was nothing at all... hopefully your insurance will cover any major costs to you...

    I hope it works the first time, i know all about this

    Best of luck!
    I am a trained nurse, and I know better than to try to treat an ingrown nail, see a doctor, get er done.
    go see a doctor and let them get paid for something

    How to home-fix an ingrown toenail?

    I have an ingrown toenail, and its not that bad right now, but i want to fix it before it gets worse, WITHOUT going to the doctors.

    should i just dig into my toe with a knife and rip out the toenail part?How to home-fix an ingrown toenail?
    A It would be much better to just cut your toenail with toenail clippers. Just put the edge of the clippers slightly under the nail and slowly work it towards the edge that is giving you problems. Don't get it too far under, but just enough so that you find the side of the nail when you reach it and then clip it straight across. Check the links below. They give you reasons for ingrown your shoes perhaps.

    Certain conditions like diabetes or other conditions can make ingrown toenails more serious problems if they lead to infections so be careful.How to home-fix an ingrown toenail?
    Try and lift the nail over the skin every day - this may mean trying to push the skin over from the nail, too.

    You can buy kits from shops which will soften the nail making it easier to try and move. I think mine cost about $10.

    I'm sure you already know that the longer you leave it, the worse it can get. If worst comes to worst, the doctor will simply cut off half of your toe-nail. Oh, and for future reference; Make sure you cut your toe nails properly in future to avoid it happening again :)

    Good luck!
    cut a v in the middle of the nail this makes the nail grow to fill the v worked for me
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  • Should I just leave this ingrown toenail?

    Ok I posted a question before this on home remedies, 2 answer which where cut a v... the nail is too short and i can't and too lift the nail above the skin-far too painful and i can't get anything in as it just pops right back into place.

    Can I just leave it, it is not infected just a little red, will it heal if I leave it be?? If not what can i do as it is very tender.Should I just leave this ingrown toenail?
    my brother had these issues. im sure some people it will go away. and some it will get infected. my brothers got sooo bad and he just let it go. it was pusy and red and he had to go get it taken out by a dr. so that is your choice, risk if or get it out.Should I just leave this ingrown toenail?
    i get the worst ingrown toenails, once it starts to get infected or you see any puss go to the foot doctor and he can remove it pretty painlessly, they just freeze it and do there thing. ive had like 6 now and i just needed to change shoes and i havnt gotten one in like 2 years
    You should seek a podiatrist before it gets infected. The treatment options are greater than after an infection. Also with red and some pain, it might already be infected.
    go to your doctor and have it removed. otherwise its going to get infected.
    no get it removed!!! i had two...dont just leave it alone its the worst!!
    no you should really have it taken care of. go see a foot doctor.

    How do i get rid of an ingrown toenail?

    I have an ingrown toenail and its not severe (i dont think) so i was wondering if someone could tell me how to get rid of itHow do i get rid of an ingrown toenail?
    Try soaking your foot in warm water (epsom's salt or even table salt will help prevent infection) for 10-15 minutes or more and gently rub the area to reduce inflammation/pain and soften the nail/surrounding skin. Put antibiotic ointment and a bandage on it to avoid infection. Cut any longer areas of your nail straight and cleanly, but do not trim any part of the nail that is already short, as this may worsen the condition. Also, avoid tight-fitting shoes. If left alone, it should get better by itself in a few days.

    If you develop an infection (with a lot of redness, warmth, swelling and pus/drainage), do not mess with the area since this will aggravate it. Leave the area alone and ask a doctor for advice if it worsens (bad or infected ingrown nails should be treated by a doctor- it is a simple treatment, but not one you should do at home).How do i get rid of an ingrown toenail?
    i would go to a podiatrist! i get ingrown toenails on both sides of each toe. i usually try fixing them myself but this time they got too bad. i went to the doctor today to get mine looked at. on one toe she ';cleaned up'; and filed the nail and on the other toe she had to do some minor surgery. it didn't take long at all and the worse part was the shot. even the shot isn't as bad as banging your poor toe(s) into something! it's been 5 hours since my surgery and to my belief, the novocaine has worn off. my toe hardly hurts, just a slight throbbing if i have to get up and walk.

    my doctor said that you should NEVER pick at your nails if you feel like you have an ingrown toenail. a lot of times the doctor can get rid of it easily and pretty much pain free.

    go to the doctor! i was nervous at first but now im glad i did!!
    Yes, you need to go to a Podiatrist he will take care of your ingrown Toenail. If you think you can do it yourself then look for OTC products in the Foot section of your Drugstore
    soak your foot in hot water for at last twenty minutes two times a day then when the nail is softer after soaking cut it straight across, and apply ointment to the area like bacitracin....
    cut your toe nail strait across. it works i am not kidding!!!!

    How to fix an ingrown toenail?

    sorry i know its gross but i have one that is infected and ingrown (i'm a dancer) i've had it for about 2 1/2 months. how do i get rid of it without going to the doctor?How to fix an ingrown toenail?
    The nails on both my big toes are always getting that way because I have wide feet, too wide even for a wide-sized shoe. I have to periodically go to great lengths to ensure that it doesn't happen, or go to even greater length to dig it out.

    If your nail is ingrown all the way across your toe, I would truly suggest going to a doctor. It's a difficult procedure that really shouldn't be performed at home.

    If it's only one corner, or both corners and not the middle, you can try what I do. Using a dull, yet slender object (I use an extremely dull knife, so I don't cut myself, but I have a small point to work with) you can carefully pry the corner of your toenail out of the skin where it is embedded. If the nail breaks and leaves a piece in the skin, try getting it out with tweezers. I've only brought blood one time, and that was because someone bumped into me while I was try to do this. Just be extremely careful and take your time. If this seems like it will be painful when you begin, then perhaps a doctor should do it for you, because the nail might be embedded further than you realize.

    Something I do to prevent this problem, is to take the time to trim and file my toenails. It seems like an extravagance to most people who don't understand how painful ingrown toenails can be, but honestly, pedicures work wonders. I'm always sure to file my toenails rounded to there's no sharp corners. It seems to help even more.How to fix an ingrown toenail?
    Ingrown toenails are not pretty. But since you said that its infected I would HIGHLY recommend going to see your doctor. Especially because you're a dancer, you don't want a serious infection to set in a make it worse than it already is.
    Soak it in very warm water.

    Do a question search. --- I think I have an Ingrown Toe nail what should I do?

    I think it has pretty good information. I just left there.
    what you need to do is cut a V in the front of nail this encourages the corners to grow towards centre it works i did it

    Is my toe getting infected or do I have an Ingrown Toenail?

    On my left foot on the left side of the toenail where the skin is, the skin is a little bit swollen and its puffy and red, but it doesn't hurt when wearing shoes, or anything else, only if you press on it, it hurts... Can you help me I'm getting kind of worried about it, I put antibiotic ointment on it, and I think that's helping because I can kind of feel it working, so please help!Is my toe getting infected or do I have an Ingrown Toenail?
    You should get that checked out. Ive had it and mine is a bit of a horror story but I had to go back to get it removed five times. It truely is painless except for the lidocaine injections, and its so much easier to just get it cut out than to go with the pain for months with no guarantee it goes away.Is my toe getting infected or do I have an Ingrown Toenail?
    girl . . . an ingrown toenail always comes with infection, thats why ingrown toenails supurate sometimes
    Its just an in grown toe nail :)

    No worries.

    My friend had the same thing and it turned out it was a splinter she couldnt see :P

    So its either something thats not supossed to be there, Like a splinter, Or its just an in grown toenail :)
    Sounds like an ingrown toenail. Don't worry, they usually go away on their own. Put some Neosporin on it and wear loose shoes so you won't put pressure on it. If it gets worse and doesn't go away you might have to go to the doctor.

    When you cut your toenails, cut them straight across rather than curved and make sure not to cut the nail too short where it's down in the side of your toe. That will help prevent ingrown toenails. =)

    Is it possible to be put to sleep for an ingrown toenail removal?

    and does the needles used hert? is it possible to put numbing cream on where the needle is being insertedIs it possible to be put to sleep for an ingrown toenail removal?
    No they are not going to sedate you to remove an ingrown toenail. It's not major surgery, dear. The medicine used to numb your toe is exactly the same as they use to numb any other part of you- including your teeth at the dentist. The needle is small, and yes- the injection will probably smart good. It's not unbearable though. Numbing spray usually doesn't work on toes, the skin is too thick there. And it's a quick stick. It may burn a bit, it may not. But it beats a bullet, and the pain you currently have. Afterwards, when the feeling returns, that toe will probably throb. Just prop up the foot on another chair or something, and take the pain medication they give you. And remember to ask them to show you how to clip your toenails properly so it doesn't have to happen again.Is it possible to be put to sleep for an ingrown toenail removal?
    sometimes, depends on the surgeon..but most of the time it can be done by local anesthetics
    No they do not put you to sleep, they numb the toe that is being worked on and I must will hurt like hell for about 15 seconds then you won't feel a thing, sore afterwards for a couple of days then all is well.....make sure your Doctor is smart enough to put you on antibiotics though, because if will get a heck of an infection which will cause you to endure yet another procedure.

    How soon after an ingrown toenail surgery can you dance again?

    That's really up to your doctor being that every doc has their own deal. My guess is 30-60 days but the issue would need more information.How soon after an ingrown toenail surgery can you dance again?
    this will answer your question =) your welcome
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  • How much does and ingrown toenail doc visit cost?

    I have one thats infected and oozing so I have an appointment to see my familt doctor. anybody know how much it may cost?? I have zero inssurance.How much does and ingrown toenail doc visit cost?
    a lot

    How soon after an ingrown toenail surgery can you dance again?

    Depends on what the doctor says.

    Being a martial artist, our feet are important too, but if your pain tolerance is high enough- you should be able to dance as soon as you can put weight on your foot. Without being completely reckless with the healing process, you can at least be 50% strength wise; depending on the type of dance, i'm sure you can work around it.

    Take it slow though. If there's any excess leakage, definately stop and take it slow. These things can be tricky. Good luck.

    Does anyone know how to relieve the pain of an ingrown toenail? Should I see a doctor or will it go away?

    I have had t for over a month and just recently is is SO painful! I can't even sleep at night! What will the doctor do if I go see her?Does anyone know how to relieve the pain of an ingrown toenail? Should I see a doctor or will it go away?
    DO NOT let this go, and don't try to treat it at home. i have done all the bad things and it just makes it worse. i put up with mine for about 6 months until it hurt for sheets to touch it, let alone put on a shoe. mine was infected because i thought i could get it out myself and tried to treat a home.

    find a good podiatrist. they will numb the toe, which burns like %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; but will be so worth it in the end. after they take it out request that they use a treatment to stop the growth of the nail. i didn't do this the 1st time and had to go thru it all again. i had the growth stopped and haven't had any more trouble for 3 years now.

    hope this helped. these things are murderDoes anyone know how to relieve the pain of an ingrown toenail? Should I see a doctor or will it go away?
    Ingrown nails can be treated at home. cut the nail straight across so that its corner can grow outside the skin.Let the nail grow free by firmly pushing the skin back from the corner with a Q-tip twice a day.Keep the area clean.
    i hate ingrown toenails and that pain feeling. You should see a doctor.
    To treat an ingrown nail at home:

    Soak the foot in warm water.

    Use a nail file to separate the nail from the inflamed skin.

    Place a small piece of cotton under the nail. Wet the cotton with water or antiseptic.

    And they sell over the counter medicine to treat it with
    go see a doctor...i'm not sure exactly but i think they have to cut it out!
    you have to see a doctor...the thing isn't going to just stop growing
    I have had a lot of ingrown toenails, they hurt. I went to the doctor and he told me to soak my foot in warm salt water for about 10-15 minutes. Then to take a piece of cotton ball and put rubbing alcohol on it and put it in between the nail and the skin of my toe. This sometimes hurts while you are doing it but it usually helps. If it dose not start to feel better in a few days you should go see a doctor and they might give you some other suggestions. Good luck
    You need to see a doctor, it is a fairly serious situation, it will not go away without treatment. Sorry to be blunt but there is no other way. get yourself an appointment asap.

    you'll be glad you did in a weeks time
    Having an ingrown toenail is no fun. However, the pain from a bad one is worse. I so know what it's like. Mine was infected and wouldn't clear up on it's own, and hurt really badly. The doctor gave me Novocaine in my toe and cut the nail back and put antibiotic ointment on it. It hurt that night for a bit, but then the relief started to come. I had to keep the area clean and covered with more antibiotic ointment and bandages for about a week. If you've had it for a month now, you really should see the doctor and get it taken care of. Good luck, feel better.

    Where do i go in melbourne to get an ingrown toenail surgical treatment?

    i had the left foot done when i was 15 years old. im not sure how to get in touch with a person who does ingrown surgery. do i see a doctor then get a reference or do i go straight to toe specialist?? i have no idea where to start please help thanksWhere do i go in melbourne to get an ingrown toenail surgical treatment?
    I would say go to your doctor and get a reference, that way you know that they are a reliable, safe place.

    How Much Does it cost for the Phenolization Surgery of an ingrown toenail?

    Phenolization-The Surgery of removing the side of the toenail digging into the toe then using some sort of chemical to stop the nail matrix to grow backHow Much Does it cost for the Phenolization Surgery of an ingrown toenail?
    My mother's boss is having this done tomorrow. I know what you mean, I just don't know a price. I'm sorry. :(

    Perhaps you should check with your doctor?How Much Does it cost for the Phenolization Surgery of an ingrown toenail?
    It might be more helpful to you to contact a Foot clinic or Podiatry office and direct this question to one of the billing staff there.

    Ingrown toenail removed, cant stand the salt soaking, do i need it?

    I had an ingrown toenail removed on Monday and the next day tried to soak it in epsom salt and it hurt so bad i took it out right away. I tried again today and same thing. Is it really that necessary? I am on antibiotics and the toe never hurts at all until i soak it.Ingrown toenail removed, cant stand the salt soaking, do i need it?
    U should use it. It prevents bacterial to grow.

    I am sure it is painful but its the best remedy.
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  • How can you tell if you got the nail part out of your ingrown toenail?

    like, i think I had or have an ingrown toenail, but i cut my toenail, and I think i got the bad part out, but how i can i tell, cuz im pretty sure its infected, but ive been cleaning it and stuff so itll clear out pretty soonHow can you tell if you got the nail part out of your ingrown toenail?
    use one of those things to clean out under your nail and go under the bad corner and lift it up, make sure it comes up and if not cut off the part that sticks out. It will hurt but is the only way to fix it. If it does not go away in a week i would go see a doctor because it will only get worse.How can you tell if you got the nail part out of your ingrown toenail?
    well the other day, i had a similar case of ingrown toenail and it was painful, toe was swollen etc etc.

    i wet my feet to make the nails softer and manager to pull it out from the side of the nail/toe and cut the part that was painful.

    it hurt that day and still was red, but the pain and swelling has been gone ever since.

    so if you believe you got rid of your ingrown toenail, the pain and swelling must be gone, if they are still there go to the doc.
    i hate those! i had to go to the doctores because they usally keep coming back!

    Is there any tablets that can stop infection of an ingrown toenail?

    Its getting very painful. My sister said that there are tablets that doctors give you to stop the infection and then you can try and remove it yourselfIs there any tablets that can stop infection of an ingrown toenail?
    There are tablets to prevent -fungal- nail infections, but (other than maybe just general antibiotics) none that I know of to prevent infection.

    This site has a step-by-step guide to home treatment of ingrown nails:鈥?/a>

    with more information also found here:鈥?/a>Is there any tablets that can stop infection of an ingrown toenail?
    i tried to remove one myself a few years back and it did not work. I went to a foot doctor and and to cut it out and part of my actual nail and had to go back for a couple more visits to get my nail back to growing in normal... and yes they give you a antibiotic cream to put on it.... and pill too.
    Go to a foot Dr., U don't go messing around with things like that your self, A toe or finger is very easy to get infected.
    yes -ask your doctor.

    Is it safe to pop a blister on an ingrown toenail?

    i have an ingrown toenail that is incredibly sensitive and i think the cause is a little red/white bump that is protruding from it. it looks like it is a blister of some sort, and i am wondering if it is safe to pop it to help it maybe not hurt as much?Is it safe to pop a blister on an ingrown toenail?
    Ive had that as well and yes you can pop it. In fact i recommend it. It will be painful, but with an ingrown toenail im sure you are having pain anyway. If the ingrown is bad enough you need to see a podiatrist or dermatologist. I thought i could fix my own but ended up having to have surgery on both toes. Haven't had any problems since. Surgery wasnt too bad at all. Just a little numbing, and he cut it out.Is it safe to pop a blister on an ingrown toenail?
    had blister on the time the doc popped it....the skin died and it didn't even hurt when he cut the skin away
    you should go to a doctor just to see what is wrong with your foot.

    Is it safe to pop a blister on an ingrown toenail?

    i have an ingrown toenail that is incredibly sensitive and i think the cause is a little red/white bump that is protruding from it. it looks like it is a blister of some sort, and i am wondering if it is safe to pop it to help it maybe not hurt as much?Is it safe to pop a blister on an ingrown toenail?
    Ive had that as well and yes you can pop it. In fact i recommend it. It will be painful, but with an ingrown toenail im sure you are having pain anyway. If the ingrown is bad enough you need to see a podiatrist or dermatologist. I thought i could fix my own but ended up having to have surgery on both toes. Haven't had any problems since. Surgery wasnt too bad at all. Just a little numbing, and he cut it out.Is it safe to pop a blister on an ingrown toenail?
    had blister on the time the doc popped it....the skin died and it didn't even hurt when he cut the skin away
    you should go to a doctor just to see what is wrong with your foot.

    How do you cover up an ingrown toenail at a pool?

    i wanna go to the pool but i don't want anybody to see my ingrown toenail and be disgusted what should i do?How do you cover up an ingrown toenail at a pool?
    I've not had an ingrown toenail, but I am an EMT on an ambulance. I would think that any kind of bandaid my work well. There are different types that are waterproof and some that are flexible and very sticky!

    If you want to be kindof cool you could get the design bandaids and someone may just think it's a small cut or whatnot. Another thing you may do is buy a material called ';co-ban';. It's kindof expensive and just beige at wal-mart but if you go to an animal or farm store and get the kind that they use to bandage horse legs with it comes in TONS of colors (black, blue, green, red, purple, pink, etc etc)... that will stay on well and no one will know what's underneath!How do you cover up an ingrown toenail at a pool?
    They have special shoes for people who don't want others to see their feet and lower the risk of getting a foot infection. They are called swim shoes. You can go to your local walmart or targets and ask them to locate them for you. Most department stores carry them this time of year.
    Try a big waterproof bandaid. If you dont tell them no one will ever know why you have a bandaid to begin with and no one will be grossed out. Also you should get it fixed by a doctor later.
    wear water-shoes. people wear those all the time and if anyone asks why you are wearing them- just say that the pool surface hurts your feet- hope it goes away soon.
    you can get bandaids that are water proof, they're a little more expensive but will do the job!
    ingrown nails is very painfull... av u not got it sorted?? neva had 1 meself but me bruv has when was young, an i rememba him say it was real bad.

    dnt cover it, sort it. go 2 doctors!!
    There are water-proof bandaids you can buy at Wal-mart.
    slap a mikey mouse, or other disney charactor band-aid over it.
    most likely, noone will notice unless you bring it to their attention.
    water shoes... or jelly shoes.
    I doubt people will actually care to take enough time to look at your toes.
    wear a bag on your head and no-one will know it's you :) hope this helps.
    Wear flippers!!! or water shoes---or jus tbe like guys i just got an ingrown toenail dont be grossed out kay?
    tape or medical tape if they ask juat say I got a cut.
    doctor fix it
    wear water shoes.
    wear a sock
    band-aid or water shoes....

    or u could suck it up and be a man! haha...
    eeeeeeeeew dahs disguting dont go swimming you will embaressed for live hahahaha ingrowing toenail a friend of mine had an operation but people still didnt like her lool

    Can I go back to school after an ingrown toenail operation?

    I hope I can go back to school the same day %26amp; for the rest of the week!!Can I go back to school after an ingrown toenail operation?
    i just had the surgery and i go to college and i went back two days after but i had to miss again because it keeps bleeding and it hurt after i walk. i got put to sleep for the surgery so i didn't go to school that day or the day afterCan I go back to school after an ingrown toenail operation?
    probably can go back the next day with nothing but a bandage to protect it.. however, you should be excused from any p.e. classes until it heals to avoid further injury or to avoid getting dirt in it, causing an infection.
    you should of gotten a doctors note.......... whatever the doctor says you should go by their orders.
    It is a very minor operation. You will certainly be able to go to school for the rest of the week. Whether you can go back that same day will depend on how you're feeling. If you feel up to going, I can't see any reason why you wouldn't be allowed. But you may not feel up to it once the local anesthesia wears off.
    I had it done a while ago, It was a bit hard to move about for the rest of the day. I'd suggest at least one day off.
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  • Does this sound like the beginning of an ingrown toenail?

    One of my toes (the littlest one) has been tingly since the beginning of the day. When I put my weight on it, it still feels tingly, but a little moreso than when no weight is on it. My toe looks normal mostly, but is a little red on 1 side.

    Is this an ingrown toenail and if so, how should I go about making it better (preferably without a doctor)?Does this sound like the beginning of an ingrown toenail?
    it pretty much soundsl like you might be developing an ingrown toenail. Dont let it progress! If you let it get worse, it will hurt so much more, and even worse when you try diggin it out. I would suggest you look at it closely, if the corner where it is red seems to be swelling up, look and see if the toenail is starting to grow underneath the skin. You can push the skin aside and see that way. If it is, take a toenail clipper and clip the very end up, clip the whole tip off. Also, to prevent the hang nail from coming back, you could cut a v-shape at the top of your toenail so that it wont grow back into your skin. Like i said, its very important that you dont like it get worse! Good luck :)

    If you have an ingrown toenail that is growing out, is it still called an ingrown toenail?

    PLEASE, I need to know ASAP!If you have an ingrown toenail that is growing out, is it still called an ingrown toenail?
    If it still hurts than yes.If you have an ingrown toenail that is growing out, is it still called an ingrown toenail?
    if it hurts then go call 911 if it hurt like a darned dog biting u... cuse u need it cut off.... unless u dont care.... which i kno nobody will ignore it...
    yes. i have one.

    How do i get rid of an ingrown toenail without going to the doctor or anything painful???

    It's not severe (i don't think . . .) but i get them alot and they HURT and they're always on my big toe . . . .How do i get rid of an ingrown toenail without going to the doctor or anything painful???
    This is the trick my mom used. Soak your foot in soapy water until your skin gets really soft and then lance the are with the puss build up.How do i get rid of an ingrown toenail without going to the doctor or anything painful???
    I have had ingrown toenails in both big toes, i went abotu a year before going to the doctor who sent me to the chiropodist, i had to have the sides of my toenails removed, it was pretty painful because i had to have injections in my toes, more painful in one because i had waited so long the anesthetic wouldnt work and i had to have 7 injections in that toe.

    The chiropodist will put acid where they have removed the toenail, so it does not grow back, i had had it done before at the doctors and he did not put the acid in which caused the ingrown to grow back, the toenail will make a full recovery after.

    So i recommend going to your chiropodist to spare your self a lot of pain, because after the small surgery is done you are pain free.

    The healing process however sucks a bit, you have to keep your foot elevated for a couple days, and you cannot do sports for 3 months and going in water other than a bath/shower for 6 months. .

    This ruined my life pretty much because i was drafted for a big swim team, and couldnt train for 6 months and lost my place.
    As long as they don't get infected you don't have to see a dr. You may be cutting them wrong. Or maybe your shoes are too tight. Or I guess maybe your nail just grows wrong. You'll want to avoid trying to do anything to your toe nails other than cutting straight across without making them too short. Also soak in warm water with Epsom salt.
    Oooch. my brother had that.. they had to do a small surgery... they cut into a part of his toe, and cut off a part of the toenail... Its gone away but it still looks NASTY. that was like 2 years ago

    How to cure an ingrown toenail?

    i have this ingrown toenail and im scared that if it gets worse, i would have to get surgery on it. So what are some common ways to get rid of it. I already cut the nail shorter and have been soaking it but is there anything else?How to cure an ingrown toenail?
    i ALWAYS get them...

    It's nothing to worry about..

    they usually go away in 2 or 3 days by itself....

    (well, from my experience anyway)

    you could try peroxide or rubbing alcohol? get rid of infection..

    also, dont pick at it- it will just get worse

    hope i helped (:

    What can I do for my infant's ingrown toenail?

    My 6 month old has ingrown toenails on both of his big toes. Each toe has a corner that is ingrow. I really don't know how this happened. They are just now getting long enough to cut. He doesn't wear shoes and I have always made sure to buy bigger sleepers if he is getting to long for them. Is there anything that I can do or does the pediatrician take care of that. I have no idea. I know that I can't get to either side with clippers. What is the procedure on such a thing? My mom had ingrown toenails and they removed both of her nails and they never grew back. I hope they don't do that to my little guy.What can I do for my infant's ingrown toenail?
    Soak in hydrogen peroxide three times a day, undiluted. Apply polysporin under a bandage to keep the area wet which will soften the nail. And if possible cut a ';v'; in the middle of each nail which is supposed to make the nail become smaller.

    IF it gets really infected or inflamed obviously go to a doctor, if it requires medical attention make sure they write a prescription for a topical treatment in addition to an oral treatment in my experience oral treatments do not work alone.

    He will likely outgrow it. I had a doctor want to remove my nail after I had ONE case of ingrown toe nail. I said no and it has been fine since. A few times it's gotten a little ingrown but I did the above and kept in under control.

    Oh another thing that helps keep the feet moisturized and gently exfoliate the skin on either side of the nail with a pumice stone.

    Best of luck.What can I do for my infant's ingrown toenail?
    His nails should be pretty soft at that young age. After he has abath and his skin and nails are extra soft tuck a little piece of cotton under the ingrown area. Then let them grow out a bit longer. It should help.
    Not sure why your moms toe nails didn't grow back. I'm no doctor but I can assure you that your baby's toe nails WILL grow back. Take him to his pediatrician who may have to remove part or all of the nail. It's for the best and nothing's worse than an infected ingrown toe nail (which will happen if it goes un-treated). My son had this one time and they removed only part of the nail. Good luck!
    I would say that the only thing you really can do is take him to the doctor and have them examine this.
    My friend had ingrown toenails and she was young enough that they grew back.

    One was completely removed, one was half removed.

    She was fine!

    I'd take him to a doctor when you can because ingrown toenails can end up nasty infections.
    In grown toe nails are painful for adults. I cannot imagine how the baby feels. I would definately take him to the doctor. Let them take care of it. His nails will grow back just fine. I bet they won't even remove the whole nail.
    take him to the doctor.
    My daughter had to have both her big toenails removed twice, but she was 8 %26amp; 9 when that happened, not an infant. When my daughter's were growing back, it was like ingrown toenails on both sides while they had to come into place, because the skin had healed over.

    We kept them wrapped in bandaids with polysporin on them at ALL times. The polysporin kept away infection and kept the nails soft so she wasn't in so much pain. We did have the option of having them removed again but the surgeon said that he'd have to kill the root and they would never grow back. She was a little young to make such a huge decision. So we decided to try to let them come in as he suggested (method above) and if it didn't work we'd see him again. It took over a year but sure enough, 2 years later and no problems.

    Some say that you can prevent ingrown toenails by cutting a little ';v'; in the middle of the nail. Others, including most doctors disagree with that, but my daughter said it did relieve pressure a bit. Whatever works for the mind I guess. Do NOT cut his nails short though, that's what causes them. I realize he had short nails to begin with, which is probably why you're having to deal with this now, and it's not your fault, but cutting them now would be bad. Let them grow in, then when they need cutting cut them straight across, not slanted into the corners. The idea is to get the toe used to having a nail where it needs to be.

    If it seems to bother him, take him to the doctor.

    How do you heal an ingrown toenail by yourself?

    I have an ingrown toenail, ;ast year i had it on my other foot on my big toe both sides,

    i REALLY dont want to go threw the surgery thing again, it hurt so bad, the shots, and after the numbing wore off.

    how can i heal it BY MYSELF??How do you heal an ingrown toenail by yourself?
    This is simply remedy in healing an ingrown toenail. This does not however, replace the advice of a physician.

    Step 1

    Cease all toenail cutting. Cutting and peeling your toenails incorrectly leads to ingrown toenails. Step 2 needs to be last trim you need to make a for a while.

    Step 2

    Take a pair of toenail clippers and clip a V into the nail that has the ingrown nail. It needs to be as close to the side that is ingrown as possible. Try to cut away and nail that is growing into the skin. By cutting a V into the nail this will cause the nail to grow towards the cut and out of the skin.

    Step 3

    Soak your foot in peroxide to clean out any infection. Do not attempt to cut any more from the nail and in the future, only use clippers and never clip too close to the skin. If Step 2 does not work after 2 weeks, you may need to see a doctor.

    Or try this

    Take an emery board, and file across the top of your toenail, until the nail is soft on top, actually on the top, not the edge of the nail. (it will be a little tender for a day or two) Do this until you have a complete growth cycle of the nail (about a year, you will have to file it about every 6-8 weeks or so) It will make the nail stronger in the center, and weaker on the sides after a while, and the nails will naturally grown out of the skin permanently. Then have regular pedicures to keep the nails trim and filed to the right shape.

    Good luck
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  • How do you deal with ingrown toenail?

    It really hurts.How do you deal with ingrown toenail?
    The best thing to do with an ingrown toenail is to leave it alone until you can get to a doctor. Take anti-inflamatories such as tylenol or advil. And you can also take nail scissors and cut a small ';V'; shape into the center of the nail to releive the pressure until it grows out, I find that helps alot. The ';V'; will open away from you, so it might snag on things, but It really does help! Remember to keep it clean and dry, and if it pusses, clean it with hyrogen peroxide to keep it from getting infected. I would not reccomend bandaids as they put pressure on it and keep out air. Good luck, and feel better!How do you deal with ingrown toenail?
    Pull it out yourself or go to the doctor and have them do it.
    beat it out with a hammer...oh you said TOE nail...umm, trying clipping off the skin on both sides of the nail
    You will have to see a doctor. This will not get better on it's own.
    I believe a doctor would tell you that the proper way to cut your toenail is with a V shaped cut..

    But anyways, I have found that impractical. To fix your problem you are going to have to trim up any excess skin that has overgrown due to your problem.

    Use your nail clippers to do this. If you do this right you should feel no pain since it is just skin you are removing, not tissue. Now at this point if you notice that there is an actual sliver of nail that is pushing into your flesh and causing the problem, attempt to remove it using a pair of tweezers and a pocket knife *to pry the sliver of nail up enough to be pulled safely*.

    If your nail is just pushing into the skin at the end of your toe and causing pain, try to trim the skin that is blocking the nail and lift the nail over what skin is left. Then, let that nail grow out for a few weeks. The purpose of letting an ingrown toenail grow out is to force your skin and flesh back into its proper place.

    Remember there are two main causes for an ingrown toenail: A poorly selected shoe or trimming your nails too close to your nailbed.

    During the healing process avoid wearing any shoes that have overly thick soles *boots like Dr Martins or Sketchers*.

    Good luck. If you have anymore questions feel free to contact me via my profile info.
    Go get a pedicure! Or buy yourself some nippers, and cut it yourself. Don't waste your money/time by going to the doctor.

    How do you get rid of a ingrown toenail?

    what other options do I have besides having to toenail ripped out?How do you get rid of a ingrown toenail?
    I had a bad ingrown toenail a couple years ago that wouldn't go away. I tried soaking in Epsom salts, which works for a while, and cutting the pieces out. Eventually, it would grow back in and cause more pain. I ended up going to a podiatrist and having the toenail actually cut out on each side so that only the middle part of the toenail was left. It didn't hurt at all (they numb it up REAL well) and I haven't had one since. Well worth the Dr. visit.

    Good luck!How do you get rid of a ingrown toenail?
    See the podiatrist (foot doctor). The procedure is very simple and it will be much less of a hassle than if you decide to do ';surgery'; on yourself.
    Take a pair of nippers and cut it out or just put antibiotic ointment on it and hope it goes away
    Easiest way is to cut a little piece of toe nail on the side of your toe that hurts, then pull it out. You should be pulling your toe nail up towards your head so it's taking out the ingrown-toenail. Some people thinks it hurts, it feels relieving to me.

    Also-- you can try putting your toe in warm salt water and massaging (sp?) it out.

    Im going into hospital to have my ingrown toenail removed and there goin to cut the edge away will it hurt!!?

    I want to no what they do

    - do they put me to sleep

    -what pain will i feelIm going into hospital to have my ingrown toenail removed and there goin to cut the edge away will it hurt!!?
    If they have to remove the whole toenail they will put you to sleep. And yes it really hurts, but it ends the problem of the ingrown toenail.Im going into hospital to have my ingrown toenail removed and there goin to cut the edge away will it hurt!!?
    if anything they MIGHT put LOCAL anesthetic on that toe....

    they won't put you too sleep (its not that important...)

    you may feel some pain but nothing that won't be solved with some motrin or tylenol
    ingrown toenails are yummy
    What is the recommended surgical procedure for ingrown nails?

    Surgical removal of an ingrown nail involves removing a small portion of the side of the nail and destroying the nail bed beneath. The toe is injected with a numbing medicine, and the toenail is cut to create a new, straight nail edge. The cells underneath the nail will try to grow a new nail, so they must be destroyed, thereby creating a permanently thinner nail. If there is heaped up (hypertrophied) tissue on the side of the toe, it must be removed. The toe is then bandaged until it completely heals (a few weeks).

    How Long Will It Take?

    Less than 1 hour

    Will It Hurt?

    Most patients report no pain during the procedure once the anesthetic has been given. But injection of the local anesthetic can be painful; this discomfort can be reduced by careful administration by your doctor. [Anesthetic injection into toes or fingers are usually quite painful due to the tight skin and many nerve endings. Spraying with a topical anesthetic spray first before the injection may help or perhaps some anesthetic preparations may be less irritating than others鈥攕o the doctor can reduce the discomfort somewhat.]

    Possible Complications:


    Excessive swelling or bleeding

    Average Hospital Stay - None

    Postoperative Care:

    Do not put weight on the affected toe

    If needed, take the pain medication ordered or over-the-counter pain remedy recommended by your doctor

    Keep your foot elevated for the first day after the procedure

    Soak your toe in warm, salt or plain water, for 10 to 20 minutes, two or three times each day for one week; soaking decreases pain and swelling

    Keep a clean, dry dressing over the toe

    Wash your hands before caring for the nail area or changing the dressing

    Wear white, cotton socks and loose fitting shoes for about two weeks

    Do not run or engage in strenuous activities until your doctor says you can, usually after about two weeks

    If your toe is infected:

    You'll be given an antibiotic cream or ointment to treat the infection; do not touch the antibiotic with your finger, instead put a small dab of the cream on a clean dressing or sterile applicator and use that to touch your toe.

    For severe infections, you may need to take an antibiotic by mouth. If one is ordered, take all of the pills. Do not stop the medication, even if the toe looks better, unless told otherwise by your doctor.

    To avoid future ingrown nails:

    Do not wear high heels or shoes that fit poorly

    Trim your toenails straight across and do not pick or tear at them

    If you have diabetes, consider letting a podiatrist or other health professional trim your nails


    Stitches are usually removed in about 10 days. Complete healing takes about two to three weeks but does not interfere with most daily activities. (Strenuous activities are limited for about two weeks as stated above.)

    If the entire nail was removed, your body will generate a hard skin in its place. After the skin has covered the sensitive area, you can resume normal activities.

    Call Your Doctor If Any of the Following Occurs

    Signs of infection, including fever and chills

    Redness, swelling, increasing pain, excessive bleeding, or discharge from the incision site

    Chalky white, bluish, or blackish appearance to skin of toes or foot (Call immediately)
    You won't be put to sleep, as it's not a majour procedure, nor does it take very long. Depending on the severity of the problem, your sensitivity to pain, and the doctor's own judgement, the area may just be sprayed with some cold stuff, or you may have a local anesthetic injected. (If you have the latter, you don't really have anything to be afraid of; the shot only hurts briefly, and after that you won't feel a thing.) While it's being done, there's usually a paper curtain in place so you can't see the nail being cut out. (You may want to be prewarned that you'll hear it- it makes a sound similar to a nail clipper.) After it's done, a small, cast-looking thing will be wrapped around your toe; this has to stay on for 24 hours. Be sure to follow the doctor's instructions for after you take it off- depending on the severity of your infection, you may be given antibiotics to take, or you may just have to apply Neosporin or similar products several times a day.I'd also recommend not wearing tight shoes for a while and, if the climate where you live allows, avoid wearing socks as much as possible. It might hurt for a little while, but it also heals quickly, and you'll be much better before you know it!

    My son has an ingrown toenail, and continues to hit it on everything and it bleeds. Help?

    Does he need to have the nail removed? Or what has helped you?My son has an ingrown toenail, and continues to hit it on everything and it bleeds. Help?
    i have had an ingrown toe nail 3 times now all on the same toe! the first time i didnt want to go to the doctor cause i was scarred so i tried to be carefull. eventually it got infected and hurt very bad. i went to the doctor and they took about a quater of the toe nail out. it didnt hurt at all, just some preasure and it was very numb. the second time was because i didnt take care of it how the doctor told me after the first time so i had the surgery done again...the third im not even sure why it happened

    hope this helps

    oh and when its infected it hurt alot more before and during the surgeryMy son has an ingrown toenail, and continues to hit it on everything and it bleeds. Help?
    i ended up hacing to go to the foot guy.
    it will most likely need to be cut out,or it will become infected sooner or later,and trust me when i say this,infection hurts 100 times as much as bumping it.
    cut the end off with a nail clipper
    Take him to a Podiatrist and get it treated correctly.

    Do you have to be put to sleep to have ingrown toenail surgery?

    im 13. im a girl. i have an ingrown toenail. its a little red on the side of my toe. and it hurts. no puss or anything creepy.Do you have to be put to sleep to have ingrown toenail surgery?
    I work for a podiatrist and can tell you that you most certainly do not have to be put to sleep, so don't worry about that.

    You will have a couple of injections and it wont be long until you can not feel a thing on the toe in question. Depending on what the Podiatrist decides to do, you may have the root permanently removed. Nowadays the killing of the root is mostly done using a chemical. After wards they will apply some antibacterial ointment, something like bacitracin. You may also be supplied with some antibiotics and further doses of the anibacterial ointment. The podiatrist will recommend soaking the toe every now and again as it help with the healing process.

    My husband had one removed not long ago and he was so relieved to get it done. He said he felt little to no pain afterwards. Do not worry about it, it's a pretty simple procedure, but you may be shocked at how quickly a podiatrist completes the procedure.Do you have to be put to sleep to have ingrown toenail surgery?
    I had ingrown tonails on both sides of both big toes... They did the outside of the left while I was awake and it was horrible... They numb your foot (the needle hurts) and then they use scissor-like stuff that feels like they're taking a boxcutter to your toe... The other 3, they knocked me out for and ';scraped'; the toenail root-area from the bone so it wouldn't grow back... but they missed a spot on one of them, so I have a little ';shard'; of toenail that isn't connected to the rest of my toe...

    The whole thing was a pain in the backside...

    I have 3 tiny (like 1cm long) scars on my toes %26amp; i haven't had an ingrown tonail since...

    So yes, being put out is MUCH better...
    Nope! They will give you some shots in your foot which are a bit painful but are so worth it to not have your ingrown toe nail.

    I got the side of both of my big toenails taken off permanently and you can't even tell they are missing and I have never had a ingrown toenail since.

    It is painful for a bit but completely worth it. Good luck.

    What is the name of the surgery to remove an ingrown toenail?

    It's all right here @ is the name of the surgery to remove an ingrown toenail?
    Why surgery? I lived with someone with ingrown toenails and learned to treat them. First, after a bath or soak, you file the top of the nail until it's thin - make sure you do the sides and don't go too thin - then you snip a small ';V'; in the center or a little towards the side that's worse - on the corners where it's digging in stuff tiny pieces of cotton soaked in an antiseptic. Don't trim the corners shorter than the middle. Or you can have surgery. Not really an answer to your question, eh?What is the name of the surgery to remove an ingrown toenail?
    im not really sure but i think it's ungectomy
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  • I Have An Ingrown ToeNail Infected. How Do The Doctors Numb My Toe Please tell me the truth please?

    I dont know what to do im scared about having it took out i need to know if it hurts when they numb the toe

    please write back fast i have the appointment on friday...

    Tell Me the truth Please... And I need some one who has already experienced it thanksI Have An Ingrown ToeNail Infected. How Do The Doctors Numb My Toe Please tell me the truth please?
    They inject Lidocaine solution into your toe. It hurts but usually the doctor can inject as he advances the needle a little at a time to minimize the discomfort. It wont be fun but you will get through it.I Have An Ingrown ToeNail Infected. How Do The Doctors Numb My Toe Please tell me the truth please?
    Hello there

    I`ve had both sides of my big toenails done as i had ingrown infected toenails. They put a rubber ring tight around your toe to stop the blood flow this also helps with the feeling of the needle going into your toe. They then inject Lidnocaine which is an anaesthetic into you toe to numb it it sting`s more than it does hurt. They inject the fleshy part of your toe. They then cut away the part/side of your toe nail which is infected and then bandage it up. Than you have to keep your foot elevated for a few days and then you go back two days after the procedure and they have a look at it and the give you some dressings for you to redress you toe till it heels.

    This procedure is more uncomfortable than pain full and believe me i have a very low pain threshold,

    Hope this helps
    The doctor will inject your toe with a very fine needle. It will sting but only last a few moments. Once that is done he will allow a few minutes for it really to take effect. This is such a powerful anaesthetic I promise you once its taken an effect you won't feel a thing at all.

    Think of it this way, a 20 second stinging sensation as against him trying to correct the toenail without any pain relief. It stings but its not agonising, just grit your teeth be brave and believe me the relief you will feel once that toenail has been corrected will make you want to jump for glee.

    Toenail give agonising pain - people laugh at us but they'd not laugh that much if they were experiencing what your feeling now.

    Just keep telling yourself ' nothing last for ever' and it will get you over those first 20 seconds. After that, you'll be asking ' are you sure you've done it, I don't feel a thing'

    Be brave, the imagination of having something done is always 99% worse than when they actually do it. It will all be over in a jiffy.
    no need to panic. Relax your toe will be numbed. Usually by injection and its not as sore as being at the dentist. Believe me you don't have any problems. One of my family had the nail taken off and he was only young then, no problems it was me who felt panicky, anxious, but I didn't feint.
    It depends how bad it is. They might use a freezing spray. That doesn't hurt, but it's COLD. They might give you an injection. That will prick but it won't hurt as much as your infected toe.

    Take something to read (or a crossword if you do them). If you are not paying attention to what's going on, it won't bother you. After all, you toe is a long way from your brain.
    My sister had this done last year,

    they numbed hers by freezing it and he said that this didn't hurt and that it only began to hurt when they took it out but she had 3 toes done and was okay about a week after just had to keep dressing it and wear opened toed shoes for a while.

    Hope its okayy!

    I've had two out and was never numbed up, they try to do it without numbing you and if you are really suffering then they will numb it up. But it doesnt hurt half as much as the infection and if I were you I would try to have it done without being numbed up.

    Good luck! x
    The recovery period can be very painful,it is not a nice thing to have done,but it is only for a short period instead of forever if you dont have it done.
    They will use a Lidocaine injection. this will sting at first, but will get better quickly. Then your toe will be numb for about 4-5 hours.
    a nano second of pain as they inject the area around the infecdtion then you won't feel anything
    the numbing shot doesn,t hurt as bad as the infection.
    local injection

    will be better soon

    Can i go to my regular family doctor to have an ingrown toenail removed?

    If not who do i go to?Can i go to my regular family doctor to have an ingrown toenail removed?
    I've worked with many family practitioners and they refer all their patients to podiatrist for this kind of problem. And why would you want someone who does not specialize in feet to dig deep and cut you like that? I've seen this procedure done and its not pretty. Your asking for trouble when you do that. Call a foot doctor.Can i go to my regular family doctor to have an ingrown toenail removed?
    A lot of family doctors do not do this procedure. I would go to a podiatrist(foot doctor).
    i dr. just cut it out and cleaned it with antiseptic ...gave me hurt but felt alot better once it was over

    Im starting to get an ingrown toenail help the pain is awful?

    its on my left toe on the right corner it swelling and it starting to get a little red. the pain is awful. how can i get rid of it since it just started last night.Im starting to get an ingrown toenail help the pain is awful?
    Soak your feet in very salty water. I like to add Epsom Salt. with a little nice smelling soap, you know ...feet. Very carefully trim your toenails as well as you can. Then put some disinfectant on the sore toe. use Hydrogen Peroxide or an antiseptic wash. Good luck.Im starting to get an ingrown toenail help the pain is awful?
    Soak your toe in warm water ( as hot as you can stand) -with Epsom salt or table salt in it. If possible, have someone cut the nail portion that is digging into your toe bed (just the corner) -before it becomes infected.

    Long term treatment for my ingrown toenail?

    I have a recurring ingrown toenail. The doctor can cut it for 2 weeks of relief, but then it grows into the skin again. The one side of nail is just getting shorter and shorter so I don't know what I could do. It very painful and easily gets infected. My goal is to get it grown out to the edge again, but the skin of the tow won't let it do that easily. Any suggestions?Long term treatment for my ingrown toenail?
    I've been watching this is question waiting for someone more knowledgable to respond, but it's been awhile. I would talk to your podiatrist about placing something in between the nail and skin as the nail grows out to create a barrier and lift the nail slightly to keep it from digging into the skin.

    I think I have a ingrown toenail. Is there anything I can do without going to a doctor?

    A few months ago, I have to get my toenail removed. Now it is almost fully grown back, but I think I have an ingrown toenail now. When I got it removed before, I had to get novacaine (sorry, this is probably spelled wrong) of course, but needles scare me horrible and it was very painful. I'd really love to be able to avoid that. So is there anyway I can take care of the problem without having to see a doctor?I think I have a ingrown toenail. Is there anything I can do without going to a doctor?
    Ooh, I've had an ingrown toenail b4. The only things you can try to do is soak your foot in hot salt water or take something pointy and lift up your toenail with it so the ingrown part is above your skin. These things are not guarenteed to work, but I tried them, and the lifting up your toenail thing worked for me.I think I have a ingrown toenail. Is there anything I can do without going to a doctor?
    Without getting too gross, I had an ingrown toenail and I pulled it out myself. It hurt at first but I felt tremendous pain relief just a short while later. On the other hand, my sister had chronic ingrown toenails and always had to get her toenails removed. Now, as long as she keeps her toenails short, she doesn't have a problem.
    I don't remember the name, but Dr. Scholl's makes an OTC product. All you have to do is put a foam ring around where the ingrown nail is, then fill it with the medicine, wrap and band-aid around it and let it sit. Once it has softened the nail, and can use tweezers or nail clippers to get it out.
    you can cure it at home, but the likely hood of it coming back is big. i would go to the doctor and have them remove it because 1- they will do a better job %26amp; 2- it probably won't come back.
    If you can not soak it and cut it out yourself you will probably have to see the doctor
    try soaking it twice daily in epsom salts, it worked for me, oh and im deathly afraid of needles too.
    Try cutting a v shape in the middle of your nail. Then when the nail grows it grows into the v and not to the side x

    How to treat an ingrown toenail?

    On my right big toe, my toenail is ingrown on the right side. How do I fix it? How does soaking it in warm water help? I read that I should put cotton under it to prevent it from growing into the skin, but how can I do that when it's already grown in? Pus has started to ooze out...

    I also now know to cut nails straight across.How to treat an ingrown toenail?
    Go to the hospital because thay got to cut it out!
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  • How long does an ingrown toenail take to heal after removed?

    i play soccer and im going through 2 a days for high school. when will i be able to start playing again after getting it removed?How long does an ingrown toenail take to heal after removed?
    A lot of it will depend on what your Dr. says - it also depends on how bad it was to begin with - I was off my foot for 2 days and then started back on it. It took me about 2 weeks to be back to normal, but mine was really bad, the nail was about to pop out of th skin and the end of my toeHow long does an ingrown toenail take to heal after removed?
    ur supposed to wait 2 weeks to do any kind of activity like that. maybe even longer if u want to be safe. i had mine out a few days ago.
    mine took a few days, make sure you soak it %26amp; keep it super clean with antibiotic cream. be careful kicking, that is gonna hurt if it isnt healed thru.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    I have an ingrown toenail and know I need to go to the docs(its semi bad) about how much does it cost to do it?

    The ingrown nail is infected, so its beyond treatment by me, and I just want to know what I am looking at price wise, at least a ballpark figure.I have an ingrown toenail and know I need to go to the docs(its semi bad) about how much does it cost to do it?
    Couple hundred, without insurance...depends on how bad it is too.My moms ingrown toenail was one of the worst that the doctor had ever seen and it cost her $300, without insurance.I have an ingrown toenail and know I need to go to the docs(its semi bad) about how much does it cost to do it?

    I work for a company that offers health benefit discounts. It is NOT an insurance company. It's a discount program for members who sign up for one fo the programs (perhaps for you-- $30/mo) Then go to an Ameriplan provider who gives you the discount. Send city/state. I would love to help you

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    Does getting an ingrown toenail taken out by the doctor hurt?

    i have 3 , (two on one toe), on both big toes.

    i've tried the soaking way, and i've had these ingrown toenails for 2 or 3 years, but they're still painful.

    so does getting an ingrown toenail taken out by the doctor hurt?, and is there any other ways of getting rid of them without soaking?Does getting an ingrown toenail taken out by the doctor hurt?
    No... they numb the toe first. It's just a little prick you know, with a needle. Just like going to the dentist. I finally had the sides of my big toe nails removed at the nail root by a podiatrist quite a few years ago. No more in-grown since. It's worth it.Does getting an ingrown toenail taken out by the doctor hurt?
    They insert a needle,

    And thats really all that hurts.

    Except when it starts to un-numb,

    Then it starts to hurt a bit.

    I suggest doing it.

    Try not to get them to come back though,

    Because it you have to get them laser removed permanently,

    The look kind of stupid being really skinny.

    I would know.

    I had this done a few times before getting it done permanently.


    And it doesn't ';Hurt like hell!';
    About 3 weeks ago, I was fed up with the ingrown toenail I had been suffering with for many years. I just got tired of dealing with the pain and the soaking and the whole thing. I looked up a Doctor of Podiatry and he explained all the options. The area of least intrusion was to have him cut the sides of the nail and kill the roots on the side so they won't grow back. First he sprayed my toe with something which was cold and it numbed my toe. He then injected both sides of the toe with a numbing fluid. He waited until I could feel nothing. Then he did the cutting and placed some chemical on the area where he removed the nails and some skin. Yes, there was some bleeding, but no pain. The Doctor bandaged up my toe and told me to keep the bandage elevated for an hour when I went home. The next day I could take the bandage off, take a shower then put neosporin on the cuts, place a H bandaid on my toe and go about my business doing this twice daily until I went back to revisit. I have never had any pain associated with the surgery and now I can finally sleep without pain. Hope this helps
    its gonna hurt like hell
    go to your doctor before getting an infection

    good luck, let me know how it goes
    Hell yeah it's gone hurt...i've seen a grown man cry from gettin his out!
    The only thing that is painful is when they numb it, that only lasts for seconds. It feels better after having them removed. Only way to get rid of them is by removing them. I had my nails from my big toes permanently removed I got tired of having it done after a few years several times a year.

    Are there any conditions with symptoms that mimic those of an ingrown toenail?

    What might cause swelling and pain along the side nailbed of the big toe, but is not an ingrown?Are there any conditions with symptoms that mimic those of an ingrown toenail?
    is the pain more along the top side of the toenail, if so i do believe it is an ingrown toenail. other than that if you haven't injured it somehow or got bitten, i dont see any reason for it to hurt........... good luck

    How do you get rid of a ingrown toenail?

    i dont even know if i have one. but the side of my big toe hurts and sometimes the side turns white so i have to actually cut it open and release puss from it.

    my mom claims its a ingrown nail. is it?How do you get rid of a ingrown toenail?
    Yeah, i get the same thing.

    Soak it in warm water for half an hour

    once in the morning

    once at night

    Use disinfectants sometimes

    Don't pick at it.

    :D hope it works outHow do you get rid of a ingrown toenail?
    Ok i've had the same thing and i've had it for a whole year yes a whole year cuz i keep cutting the nail. Let the nail grow out and it should be fine keep if clean keep it dry.
    sounds like it, I kept getting them for years on both my big toes but someone told me to use an emery board and file the corners around like u would a finger nail, this causes the nail to grow to center instead of to corners. It worked . . I now file all my toe nails just like I do my finger nails and no more problems
    Use hot water as hot as you can stand it put in some salt let your foot soak in it and when you take your foot uot pull the skin away from the nail and put the tip of a Q tip in between the nail and the skin (cut the tip off the Q tip)
    UM EWE Yes its an ingrown nail. Go see a doctor to have it removed!!
    yea--it is an ingrown.

    soak it in some vinegar water mixture.

    1/4 cup regular vinegar and water
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  • Im having ingrown toenail removed what am i to expect?

    Ok, so im 15 years old and having my ingrown toenail on the inside of my left big toe removed very soon. What is it going to feel like? Will it be very painful or any pain at all? I am scared to get this done so please give me as much info as possible.Im having ingrown toenail removed what am i to expect?
    I just got an ingrown toenail removed yesterday. This is exactly what my doctor did..

    pricked my toe with 2 little shots to numb the top layer of the skin (painless)

    gave me a shot of novocaine on each side of my toe (this does hurt a bit, but only lasts a few seconds)

    after the toe was all numb, she cut a line straight down my nail and took the whole corner of the nail out that was digging into my skin.

    bandaged me up and i was out the door.

    my toe hardly hurt after the novocaine wore off. it actually felt better after the surgery! i kept my foot up the whole day that i got it done. today im walking around fine!!!

    you will feel so much better after you get it done. the worse part is the shots but like i said, it only lasts a few seconds.Im having ingrown toenail removed what am i to expect?
    Well, how are you getting removed? If your getting it cut out,

    they numb your toe, and cut it out. It's quite painful for a few

    days afterward. When you get there, they put numbing med.

    on a needle and prick it aroud your toe, to numb it. Once

    your toe is numb, they do some things, where they almost

    cut open your toe, and cut out the ingrown toenail. It's not

    a MAJOR cut in your toe, but it's not surgical or anything. It's

    nothing scary either. After, they wrap up your toe with ALOT

    of bandages. Your toe will probably bleed, but thats normal.

    It'll hurt for a while after the numbing medicine wears away..

    just take some iBprofine, Advil, Tylenol, anything that helps

    relieve pain. You'll ocassionally have to go back to the doctor

    to get your toe checked up on, but that's normal too. It's not

    that scary, and it's not that painful, as long as you wear more

    loose shoes, and take medicine to help the pain. Just don't

    be scared! Remember it hurts more if you DON'T get it

    removed, so it's worth it. Good luck %26amp; I hope all goes well!
    It will be numb, they will cut the nail down the side, then pull out the piece that was cutting in. Later, when the numbness wheres off, it will hurt and you can soak it. From now on, cut your toenails stright across, not rounded, I hear that prevents them becoming ingrown.
    Expect pain......lots of it.
    cant b bothered writing heaps...... just this.......pain and blood........ oh yes...... there will be blood!!!!!!

    How can I get rid of a Ingrown toenail without seeing a doctor?

    You can't I'm having one done under local anesthetic very soon,and boy how glad i will be to have rid of itHow can I get rid of a Ingrown toenail without seeing a doctor?
    Get some OTC foot softer like Dr Shcoll's ect. Soak your feet in it for approx 15 -20 min. Then clip the toenail. It will be less painful if you soak your foot first.

    Then keep your toenails clipped to avoid doing it again.

    NOTE: You toes will be sore for a few days. That's normal.How can I get rid of a Ingrown toenail without seeing a doctor?
    you have to see one, they can remove it pretty quick, good luck
    I know this sounds crazy, but, it works, in the end of the toenail right in the middle at the end of your toe, snip out a triangle if you are looking down at your foot it will look like an upside down triangle, and kepp it that way until it grows out your toenail will start to grow in toward it and prevent any further ingrown toenails. As far as the ingrown nails you already have get as close to the skin as you can clip the nail and pull it out, it will hurt at first, but you will feel relief soon after, then pour peroxide on it and use neosporin and a bandaid on it for afew days and it will heal fine.
    You'll have to see a doctor for that or else it will get infected and by then the pain will be so unbearable you'll be screaming for a doctor.

    How to treat an ingrown toenail?

    On my right big toe, my toenail is ingrown on the right side. How do I fix it? How does soaking it in warm water help? I read that I should put cotton under it to prevent it from growing into the skin, but how can I do that when it's already grown in? Pus has started to ooze out...

    I also now know to cut nails straight across.How to treat an ingrown toenail?
    wear sandals. soak feet in warm water. avoid trimming corners unless u can see the corner of the nail. use local antibiotic cream daily. and bandage and change ur bandages daily. let a week for heal if still not gone then call a doctor.statHow to treat an ingrown toenail?
    i have never had an inforwn toenail and so i cant really help you with that....

    however, i have seen information on this website about ingrown toenails. [click on TEEN]

    you can search 'ingrown toenail' in the corner.

    -hope that helped! :)
    You need to get to a doctor, fast. They need to use a lazer and zap it basically..

    What do i expect with the removal of an ingrown toenail.?

    I am 13 years old and i have had 2 really bad ingrown toenails since July. I have an appointment to get them removed tomorrow and i wanted to know what i should expect from the surgery. I have heard of different procedures they have to get this done and i honestly dont know which i am going trough. So what can i expect when i go in tomorrow.?What do i expect with the removal of an ingrown toenail.?
    Expect lots and lots of numbness and then about a day or 2 later, pain. and don't walk on your foot (or feet) for about 4 days.What do i expect with the removal of an ingrown toenail.?
    The main thing you should expect is relief of the constant pain. My mom got her ingrown toenail surgically done--had a little pain for maybe a week after from the surgery itself (she had painkillers but stopped having to use them after 2 days--but she's very stoic about pain). The surgeon will surgically cut away the whole side of your nail that is cutting into your skin (so your toenail will have this side where there is no more nail--until it grows in again). The nail bed underneath the nail will be exposed. Your nail will eventually grow back in (it'll take months) but it'll give your toe time to heal from the nail cutting into it and, hopefully, when the nail grows back in it won't stab into your flesh (your doctor will keep an eye on how it grows back in). You won't be able to wear any closed-toe shoes for a couple of weeks after surgery while your toe heals but once everything is healed (within weeks), you'll be so glad you did it and it was all worth it.

    How to get rid of a ingrown toenail?

    How to get rid of a ingrown toe?

    How can u get rid of an ingrown toe-nail without it hurting or having surgeryHow to get rid of a ingrown toenail?
    If the toenail is not too badly ingrown and isn't infected, there are a few things you can do to help. First, if the nail is long enough, cut a deep ';v'; shaped notch dead center of the nail. That will help relieve the pressure on the side of the nail and help pull it upwards on the sides. Then you can use a bit of cotton wool underneath the corner that is ingrown to help keep it lifted while the ingrown portion grows out. You will want to change that bit of wool every day. It helps if you do all this after you soak the foot in warm water and dry it well. The next thing to do is attend to what caused the nail to grown inwards to begin with. Most often nails grow in because you cut them too short, and the toecaps of your shoes are too small- or the shoes themselves are too small. Your toenail should come to exactly the end of the toe itself. When you put your finger againts the tip of the toe, you should be able to feel the edge of the toenail. Next, if the toecaps of your shoes are too snug, so that you can't wiggle your piggies and spread them slightly apart inside the shoe- it's forcing your toes together and the nails ingrown. You need a shoe with a wider toe cap. If the ends of the toes- any of the toes- touch the tip of the shoe at any point, when you stand, walk or sit, the shoe itself is too small. Replace shoes that do not fit for ones that do. Then also pay attention to how tightly you pull your socks on as well. If you yank that sock on as tight and snug as it can get, the subtle pressure can also force a nail to grow in. When you put on a sock, you should always pull that tip away from the toes a tad bit, and make sure you don't tighten it up sliding your foot into the shoe. Now the fact is, an ingrown nail will just ache and hurt until you relieve the pressure and get it grown out correctly. If it becomes infected, then the only cure is to remove the ingrown part. The treatments I listed will hurt a bit as well- not cutting the nail of course, but lifting that corner up will. It will hurt less as the ingrown portion grows out. And if you do not correct the shoe/sock/toenail length problem, nothing will help and you will just get more ingrown toenails. While it grows out, it will also help if you go barefoot or in stocking feet as much as you can. Even a well fitted shoe is going to make it ache a bit.

    I had my ingrown toenail removed what should i soak it in?

    i went to the doctors a couple of days ago to get my toenail removed, and the toe is big and fat now, and fluid comes out (clear fluid). when i had the toenail removed the doctor said to soak it in soapy water. what kind of soap? or should i just use epsom salt?I had my ingrown toenail removed what should i soak it in?
    You need to soak that foot of yours in warm epson water mix at least three times a day. Let it air dry and Do Not wear a sock. You need to keep it wrapped and just wear a flipflop. Stay off of it as much as you can. It sounds as if you are starting to see signs of some infection possibly. I would not use soapy water at all.I had my ingrown toenail removed what should i soak it in?
    you need to soak the toenail in 2 to 3 teaspoons of epsom salt and soak it twice a day. but your shower counts as one soak so you only need to soak it really once in the epsom salt. the doctor also said that leaking puss is totallt normal for at worse a few weeks after the ';surgery'; lol. ;-)

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    Make sure nothing you put on it, or soak it in contains these toxins:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    epsom salt...or iodine and water
    use green alcohol
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  • Best home remedy for an ingrown toenail?

    Also, is it an infection if there is a whitish/greenish discharge?Best home remedy for an ingrown toenail?
    Pour proxide on it, and do that every few hours. Cover it up so nothing can get in there. The infection will go down, and the discharge will stop. After that you will have to dig the nail out. Then keep proxide and bandage on it. Be careful when cutting your toe nails, cutting to short causes ingrown toenails. Same thing happened to me a couple of months ago, and I did just what I told you to do, and its fine now. Good luck.Best home remedy for an ingrown toenail?
    Soak it in Epsom salt, or a basin of water with a few drops of iodine. If it is infected, you really are just going to need it to be removed. I had both big toes ingrown for about five years, and I had them removed about six years ago. they killed the nail bed, and i am so glad I had it done. They were extremely painful and I wish they had been taken care of sooner! Oh, and don't go to a regular general practitioner. Visit a podiatrist, they have a better idea of what they are doing.
    soak it in absent salt but once its ingrown only choice is to cut it out . Also lil thing alot of people dont know is dont use toe nail clippers on your toes it causes them to ingrow in alot of people its better to tear them off not as neat looking but you wont get ingrown toe nails win/lose choice is yours
    Surgery is the best remedy. There is no other remedy available.

    Can I just leave an ingrown toenail alone?

    It doesn't hurt so much..

    Or is there a way to get rid of it without going to the doctor?Can I just leave an ingrown toenail alone?
    Sure you can leave it alone if it doesn't hurt too much. If it's not too bad you can try soaking your toe in warm water then gently trying to lift the corner of the nail that's ingrown out of the skin, and push the the skin back from the edge of the nail.

    The best way to treat them is not to get them , most are caused by cutting nails too short or by shoes that don't fit right. If you get them frequently try correcting those two things.Can I just leave an ingrown toenail alone?
    oook. good thing you arent in the army or i would yell at you. dont leave it alone, get it taken care of, by taken care of i mean 1 of 2 things. you can get a cue tip, take the cotton off of it, and pack it under the nail where the ingrowing nail is, helps lift it out and hopefully will grow right, (painfull) here is a picture to illistrate my meaning鈥?/a>

    OR get it removed! nobody wants a crazy infection happening on their feet, trust me. i have treated and removed over 200 ingrown nails in the last year and a half.

    dont use tweesers or your nail clippers, as it will only shorten the nail, giving it more room to grow down!
    The longer you leave it alone the more infection you will have later and the more pain you will be in. Soak your foot in warm for 15 minutes then lift the corner of the nail from the nail bed and try to cut the nail and pull it out with tweezers.

    How do I get rid of my ingrown toenail?

    I`ve had an ingrown toenail for a little less then 2 years now. I cant afford surgery and its too deep to do it myself. I have tried soaking it in saltwater for about 2 months, but that didn`t help me!! Any suggestions. I`m desperate!!!How do I get rid of my ingrown toenail?
    soak it in a tub of hot water so it will loosen up then just cut it off with nail clippers :)How do I get rid of my ingrown toenail?
    cut it off and let it regrow
    cut it off

    How can i get rid of an ingrown toenail?

    dont try to clip the sides to get it out.

    try to pull the nail out from underneath the skin (ow, i know) and clip it straight across the top.

    cut a small v into the center of the nail. it will eventually make the nail grow together and out of the skin on the sides.

    if it's very swollen and red, you need to see a podiatrist. it could be infected (common).How can i get rid of an ingrown toenail?
    You need to go to the doctor. They'll be able to remove it deep down, so it won't grow back.How can i get rid of an ingrown toenail?
    you may have to go to a doctor to have the side of you nail taken off

    cut you nails straight across

    cutting a v in you nail will make it feel better by taking the pressure off temporary but it will catch on every thing

    and in the long run does very little to help

    you may be able to treat this yourself if it is not too bad

    using an Emmery board file down the top of your nail in the middle of the nail

    the flat part of it you want to thin down the nail in the middle this will take off the pressure and the sides of your nail can come up

    if you can see the edge of your nail you can put a small piece of cotton under it to train it to come up

    but if you can not see the edge of your nail you need to get the side of it removed

    make sure the doctor used a chemical to destroy the nail bed so it does not come back or you will be in the same spot in a few months

    if your toe is red or swollen or hot to the touch you need to see the doctor sooner than later as you have an infection going on.

    soaking your foot in strong warm salt water will help

    even though it is only a ingrown nail you do not want to fool around with it
    They really hurt, I know. I had one and just wore open-toed shoes and cut a small v in the middle of my toenail. It took the pressure off and eventually it got better. I don't think mine was an extreme case however. Do not cut your nails short. Let them grow past the top of the toe.

    Are there any home remedies for an ingrown toenail?

    My big toe and it hurts really bad, just started and don't know what to do.Are there any home remedies for an ingrown toenail?
    The 'warm, salt soak, then dig %26amp; cut' is unfortunately about your only ';home'; option. Just be sure to take an alternate combo of acetaminophen %26amp; ibuprofen beforehand. (Acetaminophen for pain, ibuprofen for swelling...) They can be taken 2 hrs. apart.

    Also be certain that you dig/cut no more than necessary; you don't want to cause an infection. Keep it clean, %26amp; have some triple antibiotic ointment on hand...

    Sea salt tends to work better than regular table salt for this (just d/t the composition...).

    Despite a previous irresponsible, idiotic post, it will NOTjust ';clear up on it's own';. It will just grow deeper, %26amp; likely cause infection.

    If the home remedy ideas don't work, I encourage you to check in w/ an MD!!Are there any home remedies for an ingrown toenail?
    A dremel tool and a lot of bandaids!
    This remedy is my favorite:

    Get some epson salt and some really hot water and pour the salt into the water. Stick your feet in the water [you must maintain a hot temperature of the water] until they turn all wrinkly. Then, slowly massage and pull the skin away. You might need to do this several nights in a row. Trust me, it helps!
    You could try to dig it out and cut it off yourself, but you are likely to make it worse once it grows back. It may clear up on it's own, but if it continues to hurt, or hurt to the point you can't walk, then go to a foot doctor. I had surgery on mine, and it was the best thing I ever did. My pain was absolutely unbearable.
    Let it grow out, try not to wear shoes any more than you need to. When you cut it, cut it almost straight across (as opposed to rounded), so that the sides don't cut into your toe. Also, put a little piece of cotton in between your toenail and the toe. It will take some time, and it's painful, but there's not much else to do.
    Hot salt soaks to soften the nail. Hope your pain threshold is high but the nail must be lifted and trimmed.
    Besides cutting it out? Not really.

    At least they have pain killers at the doctor's office.