Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is it possible to be put to sleep for an ingrown toenail removal?

and does the needles used hert? is it possible to put numbing cream on where the needle is being insertedIs it possible to be put to sleep for an ingrown toenail removal?
No they are not going to sedate you to remove an ingrown toenail. It's not major surgery, dear. The medicine used to numb your toe is exactly the same as they use to numb any other part of you- including your teeth at the dentist. The needle is small, and yes- the injection will probably smart good. It's not unbearable though. Numbing spray usually doesn't work on toes, the skin is too thick there. And it's a quick stick. It may burn a bit, it may not. But it beats a bullet, and the pain you currently have. Afterwards, when the feeling returns, that toe will probably throb. Just prop up the foot on another chair or something, and take the pain medication they give you. And remember to ask them to show you how to clip your toenails properly so it doesn't have to happen again.Is it possible to be put to sleep for an ingrown toenail removal?
sometimes, depends on the surgeon..but most of the time it can be done by local anesthetics
No they do not put you to sleep, they numb the toe that is being worked on and I must will hurt like hell for about 15 seconds then you won't feel a thing, sore afterwards for a couple of days then all is well.....make sure your Doctor is smart enough to put you on antibiotics though, because if will get a heck of an infection which will cause you to endure yet another procedure.

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