Thursday, February 11, 2010

How can you tell if you got the nail part out of your ingrown toenail?

like, i think I had or have an ingrown toenail, but i cut my toenail, and I think i got the bad part out, but how i can i tell, cuz im pretty sure its infected, but ive been cleaning it and stuff so itll clear out pretty soonHow can you tell if you got the nail part out of your ingrown toenail?
use one of those things to clean out under your nail and go under the bad corner and lift it up, make sure it comes up and if not cut off the part that sticks out. It will hurt but is the only way to fix it. If it does not go away in a week i would go see a doctor because it will only get worse.How can you tell if you got the nail part out of your ingrown toenail?
well the other day, i had a similar case of ingrown toenail and it was painful, toe was swollen etc etc.

i wet my feet to make the nails softer and manager to pull it out from the side of the nail/toe and cut the part that was painful.

it hurt that day and still was red, but the pain and swelling has been gone ever since.

so if you believe you got rid of your ingrown toenail, the pain and swelling must be gone, if they are still there go to the doc.
i hate those! i had to go to the doctores because they usally keep coming back!

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