Friday, February 5, 2010

Is there anyway to get out an ingrown toenail without pain?

PLEASE help me. My ingrown toe nail is in the stage where if I even attempt to get out the file it begins to hurt. I need help it hurts bad enough that I can't even walk on it. PLEASE try and find out a remedy that I can use that doesn't include pain.Is there anyway to get out an ingrown toenail without pain?
I had one too about a year ago.

I'm going to tell you that there is no easy way out.

I tried everything I could to get rid of it, the pain was very bad

In the end I had surgery on it.

I'm gonna tell you right now though. They only stick a needle in your toe with freezing so it doesn't hurt. All you'll feel is a pinch for about 10 seconds. Then they go on with the operation.

It's not as bad as it seems, but changing the bandage can be a pain, but it's not as bad as ingrown toenail.

They could also get it pulled out (the whole nail) but I don't know if they give you anything to help reduce the pain. That, is probably the worst way to go.

With the surgery, you'll be off your toe for about 4-6 weeks. You can start walking again after a week, but very lightly, no pressure on your toe.

2 weeks, very little pressure.

3 weeks, more pressure.

after 4 weeks, you can start walking normally and go without a bandage.

be careful how you treat your ingrown toenail. Oh and by the way, if you decide to get surgery, don't cut your toenail at all for 6 weeks. If you do, the wound will heal over it and cause ingrown toenail again. It's happened to me, lol.

Good Luck man, and another suggestion is maybe try soaking it in warm salt water for about half an hour. it helps the pain a bit.

By the way, you can also try the above answer's suggestion. That works okay too.Is there anyway to get out an ingrown toenail without pain?
Go to a podiatrist. He will use a local anesthetic and cut out part of the nail, then put on a chemical to keep it from growing it back.

If you mess with it yourself, you are liable to get an infection.

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