Friday, February 5, 2010

Any ideas on how to help ease the pain with an ingrown toenail?

My mum said to cut a V shape into the centre of it and it worked, any other ideas?Any ideas on how to help ease the pain with an ingrown toenail?
Mix 2 tbsp. Epsom salts into a basin of warm water. Soak the foot that has the ingrown toenail for 15 to 20 minutes. This softens your toenail and the skin around it.


Step 2

Pull the skin of the toe away from the nail gently, using your fingers.


Step 3

Apply a small amount of over the counter topical antiseptic to the area of the toe where the nail had grown in.


Step 4

Place a small piece of cotton between the toenail and the toe. You need to leave the cotton in place for a few days until the nail grows out and the toe heals. Tape the toe using medical tape to hold the cotton in place and protect it while it is healing.


Step 5

Numb your toe by applying an ice pack for 10 to 15 minutes. Reapply the ice pack every few hours if pain returns.


Step 6

Take aspirin or acetaminophen to ease the pain from the ingrown toenail.Any ideas on how to help ease the pain with an ingrown toenail?
I used to get ingrown toenails a lot. I would soak them in hot water with epsom salt. This would soften it up a bit so I could dig the nail out and cut it. However, after one got infected, I went to a podiatrist and she did a minor surgery to cut the ingrown nail all the way down to the root. Then she did something so the nail wouldn't grow back that wide. I'm not a podiatrist, but I highly recommend seeing one. I haven't had any problems since.
Soak your foot in some epson salt that should help it.
Soak it in epsom salt. This can be purchased at your local drug store.

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